Articles Selected Articles Sheppard, K.W., Cheatham, C.L. (2018). Omega-6/Omega-3 fatty acid intake of children and older adults in the U.S.: Dietary intake in comparison to current dietary recommendations and the Healthy Eating Index. Lipids in Health and Disease, 17:43. Gartsteine, M.A., Prokasky, A., Bell, M.A., Calkins, S., Bridgett, D., Braungart-Rieker, J., Leerkes, E., Cheatham, C.L., Eiden, R.D., Mize, K.D., Jones, N.A., Mireault, G., Seamon, E. (2017). Latent profile and cluster analysis of infant temperament: Comparisons across person-centered approaches. Developmental Psychology 53(10): 1811-1825. Cheatham, C.L., Sheppard, K.W. (2015). Synergistic Effects of Human Milk Nutrients in the Support of Infant Recognition Memory: An Observational Study. Nutrients, 7, 9079-9095. Lupu, D.S., Cheatham, C.L., Corbin, K.D., & Niculescu, M.D. (2015). Genetic and epigenetic transgenerational implications related to omega-3 fatty acids. Part I : maternal FADS2 genotype and DNA methylation correlate with polyunsaturated fatty acid status in toddlers : an exploratory analysis. Nutrition Research, 35, 939-947. Cheatham, C.L., Lupu, D.S., & Niculescu, M.D. (2015). Genetic and epigenetic transgenerational implications related to omega-3 fatty acids. Part II: maternal FADS2 rs174575 genotype and DNA methylation predict toddler cognitive performance. Nutrition Research, 35, 948-955. Columbo, J., Carlson, S.E., Cheatham, C.L., Shaddy, D.J., Kerling, E., Thodosoff, J., Gustafson, K., & Brez, C. (2014). Long-term effects of LCPUFA supplementation on childhood cognitive outcomes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98, 403-412. Cheatham, C.L. (2014). Mechanisms and correlates of a healthy brain: A commentary. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 79, 149-152. Sheppard, K.W., Cheatham, C.L. (2013). Omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ration and higher-order cognitive functions in 7- to 9-y-olds; A cross-sectional study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 98, 1-9. Riggins, T., Cheatham, C.L., Stark, E., Bauer, P.J. (2013). Elicited imitation at 20 months predicts memory abilities in school age children. Journal of Cognition & Development, 14, 593-606. Cheatham, C.L., Davis Goldman, B., fisher, L.M., Reznick, J.S., & Zeisel, S.H. (2012). Phosphatidylcholine supplementation in pregnant women consuming moderate-choline diets does not enhance infant cognitive function: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 96, 1465-1472. Cheatham, C.L., Nerhammer, S., Asserhoj, M. Michaelsen, K., & Lauritzen, L. (2011). Fish oil supplementation during lactation: effects on cognition and behavior at 7 years of age. Lipids, 46, 637-645. Columbo, J., Carlson, S.E., Cheatham, C.L., Fitzgerald-Gustafson, K.M., Kepler, A., & Doty, T. (2011). Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infancy reduces heart rate and positively affects distribution of attention. Pediatric Research, 70, 406-410. Cheatham, C.L. (2008). Omega-3 fatty acids and the development of cognitive abilities: a review of DHA supplementation studies. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition, and Natural Resources, 3, No. 001. Cheatham, C.L., Columbo, J., & Carlson, S.E. (2006). N-3 fatty acids and cognitive and visual acuity development: methodologic and conceptual considerations. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 83, 1458S-1466S. Abstracts The Science Posters Press Resources Students