B.E.R.R.Y. Study Update: Fall, 2015

B.E.R.R.Y. Study Update: Fall, 2015


By Grace Millsap

Blueberry-BenefitsIt has been quite the adventure since we screened our first BERRY participant in February of 2012! It was truly an honor to meet each one of you that has volunteered to be a part of this study. Here are a few statistics that we thought were pretty neat:




Total number of presentations: 79

Total number of people screened: 296

Total blueberry packets consumed: 25,410 = 25,410 cups of blueberries (980.34 pounds) – WOW!!

Total number of hours in testing – 9.25 hours each participant that completed, grand total of 1124 hours!


We are extremely grateful for every church, senior center, and lunch group that allowed us to come and talk about our exciting research.  We felt welcomed by every group and individual, and loved the opportunity to eat some delicious home cooking!! We are currently working diligently to complete all the data from the three years of appointments.  As soon as everything is completed and double checked, we will turn everything over to Dr. Cheatham for analysis, and finally BREAK THE BLIND so we can let you know which powder you were on!!  We appreciate your patience and we promise to let you know as soon as we know!  We are getting super close and can’t wait to share the results with all of you!  Stay tuned!!


**We are happy to announce that we are inviting our participants back for a follow-up! If you have not already received a phone call inviting you back in, expect one soon! We look forward to seeing all of you again.**